Build-Up: Drive to Create Advantage



build-up. Drive to Create Advantage


The build-up phase has become a critical part of the game for those teams who want to be proactive. In recent years, more and more teams are trying to build up from the back and progress as a unit. And in this episode of the game, central backs play a vital role. Not just through passing through but also by driving forward with the ball. Joining the next line by running with the ball disrupts opponents’ pressing structures and creates advantages for the team. This concept is essential, especially when the opponent employs high pressing. In this article, we’ll discuss the key steps central backs can take to excel in the build-up: checking for space, driving forward, and using the drive to create opportunities for teammates.

Check the Space Before Receiving

The first step in any successful build-up is for the central defender to assess the situation before receiving the ball. By scanning the field, they can determine if there’s enough space to control the ball and drive it forward. If a pressing opponent is closing down, the best solution is often to make a quick pass to maintain possession. However, when there is no pressure with a free space, the central defender needs to recognize the opportunity and drive the ball forward.

CB anticipates the situation before receiving the ball in the build-up phase

CB anticipates the situation before receiving the ball

In this example, we can see how Iñigo Martínez (CB) scans for information and checks the space before receiving the ball.


Drive the Ball Forward to Create a Numerical Superiority

If there’s no teammate with an advantage in a good position, the central defender must take responsibility by driving forward with the ball. This movement disrupts the opponent’s defensive shape and creates numerical superiority. Joining the next line by running with the ball has two critical purposes.

On the one hand, it gives teammates time to place themselves in a good position to receive the pass. In addition, it also attracts opponents, which creates space for other players to exploit it. So it is very important that we teach our central backs to recognise themselves as the free player and drive the ball until they have created time and space for other teammates.

Build-Up Phase. CB drives the ball to the next line.

Build-Up Phase. 2

After recognizing himself as the free player, Iñigo Martínez (CB) joins the next line by driving the ball, giving time for his teammates for better positioning.

Create Opportunities for Teammates

Driving forward also enables the central defender to force the opponent into decisions. If an opponent makes a jump and starts to press, it opens a passing lane to a teammate in an advanced position. In the opposite case when the rival stays back, the central defender can continue to advance, breaking the lines and maintaining control.

The key lies in having the composure to recognize the free player with an advantage. If no immediate passing option is available, the central defender must use their drive to draw attention and then create space for teammates to exploit. This combination of patience, awareness, and determination is what will make the difference between surpassing the opponent’s high pressing or allowing them to recover the block and press again.

Build-up. The CB fix the opponent and find the players with the advantage.


Finally, Iñigo Martínez (CB) attracts an opponent and passes the ball to a teammate who has advantage to progress.


Driving the ball forward is a powerful solution in the build-up phase, enabling central defenders to surpass opponents’ high pressing, attract opponents from the next line, create space, and provide teammates the necessary time to position better to receive the ball. By scanning the space, driving the ball forward with purpose, and creating opportunities for teammates, defenders can elevate their role in the game and ensure a good progression to the opposing field.

Learn more about individual fundamentals for all positions with the Ekkono Individual Performance Secrets, included in all our membership plans. More information here.


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