Advanced Training Methodology. Session 1 – Join this session to learn how to design training sessions that will help elevate your team’s performance. Learn how to adapt your sessions to simulate real game situations, using the right mix of analytical and global exercises to enhance player understanding and performance. Additionally, learn the impact and importance of Individual Fundamentals by Position in the team’s performance.
How to Design High Performance Training Sessions
8,99 €
This webinar is also Session 1 of the ‘Advanced Training Methodology‘ course. Learn how to make your training sessions the best and most appropriate to elevate your team’s performance. Which are the most important global and analytical exercises that you should include in your sessions when designing for the Specialization (U13-U19) and performance (Semi-Pro and Pro) stages?
Unlike in the initiation stage, where the focus is mainly to develop the player individually, here the focus of the session will change and, therefore, as coaches we also need to adapt the type of exercises we use in our sessions. The main idea is we need to simulate real game situations with a training purpose. We will see which type of analytical and global exercises we can use and when it’s best to use each type.
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